The Path of What I've Learned

     Learning ICT is not that easy to be honest. I find it difficult to learn about computers. Even so, I still have the urge to learn more on this subject. It feels relieving that I have learned more about internet. About the Internet Architects, Searching Techniques, on when is the internet born, and much more deeper things on the history of internet. Not only those, I also learned on how to make my own Blogs, which I've never done before. I also learned how to put credits on the rightful owner of the images that I've used and the bases of my blogs.

     I can say that being in the tenth grade is very different with the previous grade levels I've succeeded. Unlike before, the level of stress has gained more. It made my mental health drain on the everyday quizzes and assignments given on us. As I'm facing this challenge, I also grow to learn more, to understand more. That every step we take is a road to a better abilities. That we must do better than our best to become better and to improve our weaknesses.

     With these challenges, I was able to address through learning more on the mistakes that I've done and to my weaknesses to strengthen them. Since this is now our last school year as a Junior High School Special Science Class, I try to pursue myself to stand out my challenges and believe in myself that I can do better on what I am doing right now. 

     Moving on, I will still continue to learn on what I've already learned on the first quarter. I will learn more on the Internet and also on the history of it. Not just to be able to apply on my mind but also on my heart. In that case, I will learn to love about computers and improve my knowledge as well. Aside from what I've learned on academics, I also consider my last batch of high school classmates and teachers as a great experience on becoming myself better. I learned to treasure them in my heart, for as I'll remember them to be my 'Life Changing People' that I've met, and made me grow for who I am now today.


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