Change: Starts With Me

Most people ask for the world to change, but very few start by changing themselves. They complain the world why there's no progress of change when in fact they can't even discipline their selves as the simplest thing to do in order to achieve peace and change of the world.

In order for things to change, we have to change. We can't change others; we can only change ourselves. However, when we change, it changes everything. And in doing so, we truly can be the change we want to see in the world.Our outer world is a mirror of our inner world, with no exceptions. To change our outer world, we must start with our inner world. If you want more prosperity, be more generous and be open to receive generosity from others. If you want more love, be more loving and be more open to receiving love. Stop judging others and practice acceptance and compassion. We cannot change others, only ourselves. Instead of pushing against what others are doing that you perceive to be wrong, focus on yourself.

Make peace with the here and now. Let go and stop resisting. It doesn’t have to mean you’ve given up on the possibility of something better. It just means you’ve decided to pursue it from a place of freedom and peace.  Love yourself, and love others. Respect yourself, and respect others too. If you make choices from a place of love and understanding the Universe will conspire to bring you the same things you are giving.

