Reflection of Third Grading Period

     Time flies so fast, third quarter is almost near to an end. Three months have passed already since we opened and welcomed Third Quarter. In that three months, it is full of hard-work, sweat, and tears that we've put in our performance at school. As a Special Science Class student, it is normal for us that we're grade conscious. Now that we are now on our last grade as a Junior High student, we tend to put so much effort in everything we do in order to achieve our goals before we end our journey as Special Science Class.

    Inside those three months of journey of third quarter period, I've learned to treasured the lessons that third quarter gave me. I admit that sometimes procrastination comes and I'm sure every one of us experienced this during the third quarter. It's normal, they say. I've realized that the lessons in this quarter were a bit harder than I've thought that it would be just like second quarter. Things were getting harder to understand, homeworks increased, quizes and tests were thougher than before. So I thought this quarter will be a challenge for me, a challenge that can change the negativity of myself being a student, just like when Christmas Break came, almost three weeks of break. Christmas is expected to be full of fun, of course, students set aside the school problems, but when January 3, 2019 came, it was like every lesson informations popped like a bubble. It's hard for me to recall our lessons.

     But luckily, somehow, 2019 thought me to be a better version of myself not just as a student, but also as a daughter, sister, friend, and as a person.
